July 15, 2024

Book announcement: Finding Renée

I have some news!

I have some news! My second book is in the works. Called FINDING RENÉE, it’s a biography of the transgender tennis icon Renée Richards, who successfully sued for her right to compete in the 1977 U.S. Open.

Publishers Marketplace announcement: Sports journalist and author of MIND GAME Julie Kliegman's FINDING RENEE, the first-ever biography of the tennis legend and transgender pioneer Renee Richards, who successfully sued for her right to compete in the women's draw of the 1977 U.S. Open, based on interviews with Richards herself and those in her orbit and drawing on archival footage and never-before-seen material, to Maya Alpert at Harper One, in a pre-empt, for publication in June 2026, by Iris Blasi at Arc Literary Management (world).

I owe a few people a good deal of thanks. First, this project wouldn’t be a thing without Iris Blasi of Arc Literary and Maya Alpert of HarperOne. I’m also grateful to Dave O’Neill at Bookforumand Sarah Marshall at You’re Wrong About for giving me my first opportunities to write and speak about Renée’s extraordinary life. And a huge thanks to Renée herself for being so generous with her time.

Hang tight while I work on this. Preorders will be live before you know it. In the meantime, can I interest you in a signed copy of MIND GAME?

Take care!

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