May 26, 2024

Catch me in conversation

What’s way more fun than promoting my own book? Taking a breather to promote other people’s!

What’s way more fun than tirelessly promoting my own book? Taking a quick breather to promote other people’s! (Though I’d be remiss not to at least mention: You can always purchase a signed copy of Mind Game from Astoria Bookshop.)

I’ll be participating in two book events in June — both in Manhattan, both focused on trans athletes. Come hang!

The Other Olympians by Michael Waters

June 8 at 3 p.m., BGSQD

The story of the early trans athletes and Olympic bureaucrats who lit the flame for today’s culture wars.

Make It Count by CeCé Telfer

June 19 at 6 p.m., Bluestockings

By turns harrowing and hopeful, Make It Count is the inspiring story of the first openly transgender woman to win a NCAA title, following her traditional upbringing in Jamaica, her fight to become a U.S. citizen, and her efforts to achieve her Olympic dreams.

Much more soon on my own writing, but here’s my latest piece, a Brittney Griner book review for Slate, to tide you over. See ya at the bookstores!


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