Hiya! Hope everyone’s enjoying the long weekend. Stumbled upon ~some news~ today: My book is available for preorder! There’s no cover image just yet for Mind Game: An Inside Look at the Mental Health Playbook of Elite Athletes, which is due out in March from Rowman & Littlefield. I’ll be excited to share the cover when it’s ready, but I wanted to break the good news ASAP, mostly because I can’t sit still.
If you like me and my work, you might be wondering how you can help. There will be a million ways, I promise. Here are a few to start:
- MASH THE PREORDER BUTTON. Preorders help authors so much. If you prefer Amazon (including the ebook version), here you go. I’m also seeing it on Barnes and Noble already.
- Tell a friend (or three) to preorder! Get your cat a copy, too. Why not? (And then in March, be sure to take a picture of your cat reading the book)
- Pester your local library to order a copy
- Retweet and fave me to share across Elon’s cursed platform. You can also forward this email to whomever
Thank you so much in advance for your support.
Much more soon, Julie